adventure travel, a couple on a safari

7 Reasons Adventure Travel is Good for You

When you consider the number of health benefits associated with active travel, it's no wonder so many people are choosing adventure vacations these days. From the obvious physical benefits of hiking, biking, kayaking and other forms of active adventures to the additional mental and social advantages, active travel has a positive impact on many parts of your life. Take a look at just some of the ways that adventure travel can improve your well-being.

Adventure Travel Gets You Active

Although reclining on a lounge chair and sipping a pina colada may seem like a relaxing way to spend a vacation, the sedentary style of resort life fails to provide any physical health benefits. In fact, you're likely to return home feeling burdened by all the extra calories you consumed and fatigued by lack of movement. Embarking on adventure vacations, however, can actually improve your physical health by keeping you active. Whether you choose to go mountain biking in the Rockies or snorkeling in Bermuda, adventure travel helps you burn calories and stay fit, often without you even noticing that you're working out due to all the fun you're having! By choosing an active travel trip, you'll return home in better shape than when you left.

Active Travel Lowers Stress Levels

Thanks to the fast pace of our daily lives, many people experience high levels of stress from attempting to balance work, family, friends and other obligations. Active adventures have been found to help lower stress levels by disconnecting you from your day-to-day struggles and immersing you in a different world. You won't have time to ponder your to-do list back home while you're catapulting across the Nevis Valley in New Zealand or exploring the ruins of Machu Pichu in South America.

Active Adventures Lead to Better Sleep

If you're plagued with sleep issues, active travel may be the answer to a restful night's sleep. The physical activities associated with adventure travel, such as bicycling along Bermuda's Railway Trail or

hiking among the Redwoods of California, are great for improving the quality of sleep. Even as little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise can help you sleep better so you can imagine the benefits that a full day of adventure travel can bring.

Adventure Vacations Benefits Your Mood

Exploring new places through active travel adds a mood-boosting level of excitement to your life. Adventure vacations are filled with unexpected, awe-inspiring sights that can release endorphins that make you feel happy. From exploring the glacial lakes of Banff National Park in Canada to hiking the lush jungles of Fiji, the wonders of experiencing active adventures can have a long-lasting effect on your mood and outlook on life.

Active Travel Improves Your Memory

Obviously, you'll want to remember the adventure vacations that you've experienced for the rest of your life so it's a good thing that active travel can actually improve your memory too. Physical activity, such as hiking in the Pacific Northwest or surfing in Australia, help grow the hippocampus, which is responsible for storing memories in the brain. Although the hippocampus typically shrinks in late adulthood, increasing the chance of Alzheimer's and dementia, physical activity, like those common in active travel, can reverse the loss and even improve memory.

Adventure Vacations Make You Feel Proud

Anyone can go on a vacation but fewer people can say that they've accomplished a major travel goal, like going on an African safari or hiking to the highest summit in South Korea. Completing a bucket list item on your active travel wishlist is something to feel proud of and gives you a sense of accomplishment that can carry over into other areas of your life. Plus, you can impress your friends and family for years to come with your active travel stories.

Adventure Travel Broadens Your Horizons

Whether it's learning about a new culture or gaining a new skill, adventure vacations are the perfect way to learn something new. Bicycle through Taiwan to immerse yourself in the beauty of the country and meet new people along your journey or pick up a new hobby, like surfing or stand up paddle boarding, in Hawaii. You never know what you may discover while on an active travel trip but you'll undoubtedly return home with more knowledge than when you departed.

Active travel is good for you in so many ways. Start planning your next adventure travel trip today to start reaping the benefits!

couple looking a lake taking an adventure vacation

Adventure Travel Means Captivating Experiences

There's no doubt that adventure travel has piqued the interest of many globetrotters in recent years. After all, adventure vacations allow you to experience the world in an exciting, immersive way that you simply can't without embarking on an assortment of active adventures. Whether you choose to leisurely sightsee by hiking or biking or take a more daredevil approach by adding rock climbing or whitewater rafting to your active travel itinerary, you're practically guaranteed to have a memorable adventure travel experience.


An industry snapshot report by the Adventure Travel Trade Association found that travelers are increasingly seeking to add cultural experiences to their adventure vacations, which also includes a mix of nature and physical activity. The majority of active travelers hope to experience a transformation that includes personal growth as opposed to simply getting an adrenaline rush or having a unique experience. Being able to make a difference in important humanity issues, such as social justice and poverty, is becoming a big part of the active travel industry. The report also found that popular adventure travel destinations include New Zealand, Australia, South America and Europe.



Hiking – Perhaps the most basic form of adventure travel, hiking is one that can be enjoyed by active travelers of all ages and skill levels. By traveling on foot, you can set your own pace and immerse yourself in the culture for as long as you like. Beginning hikers can take an easy day hike to explore the area while more experienced hikers may enjoy overnight backpacking active adventures. Taiwan offers a variety of hiking excursions, from simple trails in Taroko National Park to the strenuous climb of Jade Mountain. You can also find incredible hiking trails in the United States' Pacific Northwest, Southwest and New England.

a group of people hiking on an active vacation



Similar to hiking in that you can choose how far and fast you travel, biking allows you to potentially cover more ground while still fully embracing the wonder of the great outdoors and appreciating the local culture. Traditional cycling is perfect for exploring city roads but mountain biking adds an extra element of excitement to adventure travel by letting you chart your own course through remote locations. Take an urban cycling tour around Tokyo in Japan or try an island bicycle tour in Bermuda.

biking the mountains

Horseback Riding

Horseback Riding

Animal lovers will especially love this form of adventure travel as horseback riding gives you the opportunity to get close to nature while bonding with your four-legged tour guide. Explore the South American regions of Patagonia in Argentina or the Atacama Desert in Chile by horseback for a one-of-a-kind adventure travel journey.

horseback riding near water

Water Adventures

Water Adventures

There's no better way to explore an aquatic destination than by spending a day out on the water. Paddle yourself by canoe or kayak to get an up-close view of rivers, lakes and even the ocean or set sail for a more relaxing marine experience. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the most popular sightseeing destinations in the world and perfect for exploring via boat or go kayaking in New Zealand's picturesque Milford Sound. For a more heart-pounding active adventure, consider whitewater rafting along the Fraser River in Canada or Shotover River in New Zealand.

a woman canoeing in Costa Rica

Snow Adventures

Snow Adventures

For adventure vacations in colder destinations, skiing, snowboarding and other snowy activities are popular active travel activities. If zipping down the side of a mountain sounds too intense, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are less extreme active adventures that you can consider that allow you to enjoy the snow at a slower pace. A European active adventure trip could include a ski safari in the Dolomite Mountains of Spain or skiing in Levi, Finland. The Rocky Mountains in the United States offers plenty of winter sport opportunities too.

snowboarding on a lift

Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing

Not for the inexperienced, mountain climbing is one of the most extreme forms of adventure travel and should only be done with proper training. Not only does mountain climbing often incorporate the use of tools, like ropes and picks, to scale cliffs but it also requires climbers to know the dangers of high altitude. For a less dangerous yet still thrilling adrenaline rush, try coasterring. This activity combines rock climbing, swimming and cliff jumping and has been gaining in popularity in Europe. While you should still be in good physical condition, it doesn't require as much training as actual mountain climbing.

mountain climber

All of these adventure travel experiences give you the opportunity to interact with locals and make a difference in the world. It's up to you to decide exactly what you hope to gain and what impression you'd like to leave behind while on your adventure vacations. Regardless of the active adventures that you choose, active travel is sure to result in a captivating experience.

Are You Seeking Adventure Travel & Active Vacations?

woman snorkeling in Bermuda

For Adventure Travel, Try Scuba Diving in Bermuda

It’s no wonder that Bermuda is considered to be one of the best places to snorkel and scuba dive in the world. Between the crystal clear water of the Atlantic Ocean, stunning coral reefs and hundreds of centuries’ old shipwrecks, there’s plenty of sights to see underwater on Bermuda vacations. Whether you prefer snorkeling or scuba diving, you will want to put these spots on your list for your adventure trip to Bermuda.


Best Places to Snorkel Close to Shore

If you’re new to snorkeling, you may want to start your adventure travel excursion close to the shore. For the best snorkeling just off Bermuda’s white sand beaches, you will want to check out these easy to reach locations.

Church Bay – With incredible reefs located just a short distance from the sand, this South Shore location is perfect for viewing Bermuda’s collection of fascinating sea life without venturing too far. Keep an eye out for blue angelfish, parrotfish and a variety of coral.

Elbow Beach – Starting about 200 feet offshore, this reef runs parallel to the South Shore’s pink-sand beach and is a great spot to see the underwater sights of Bermuda.

Tobacco Bay – On the East End of the island, you’ll find one of the best places to snorkel in Bermuda. Combine shallow water with rocky coves and you have the ideal setting for snorkeling active adventures.

seal swimming in Bermuda

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving Among Bermuda’s Shipwrecks

While the coral reefs that surround Bermuda make a beautiful home for the island’s plentiful sea life, they have also spelled doom for more than 300 ships over the years. In fact, Bermuda is considered to be the Shipwreck Capital of the Atlantic, which means that there’s plenty of history to explore in its shallow waters. Here are a few of the top shipwreck sites for scuba diving and snorkeling on your Bermuda vacation.

Mary Celestia – Dating back to the American Civil War, the Mary Celestia was a 225-foot paddlewheel steamer used by the Confederate Army to smuggle goods to the soldiers. It sank in 1864 after hitting a reef and rests 55 feet below the surface near the South Shore with the paddlewheels still visible. The ship made the news in 2011, nearly 150 years after it sank, when five bottles of wine were found intact in the bow compartment.

Cristobal Colon – At 499 feet long, this Spanish cruise liner is the largest of the shipwrecks to be found in Bermuda. After crashing into the coral reefs near the North Shore in 1936, it remained on the reef until it was officially sunk during World War II when it was used for bombing practice and now rests in pieces on both sides of the reef with depths ranging from 15 to 60 feet. You can explore 100,000 square feet of wreckage that is now home to a variety of marine life.

The North Carolina – This English iron hull sank on New Year’s Day in 1880 shortly after setting sail for England from Bermuda. Although the mid-section of the 250-foot ship has collapsed over the years, the bow and stern remain nearly intact and upright, making for an impressive dive site in the West End.

The Hermes – Located one mile offshore at Horseshoe Bay, the Hermes is fully intact and one of the most popular dive sites for Bermuda vacations. After experiencing engine trouble near Bermuda, the U.S. Navy ship was abandoned by its crew as repairs would have cost more than the ship was worth and acquired by the Bermuda Diver’s Association, who sunk it in 1985 to make an artificial reef.

The King George – As the largest of the fully intact shipwrecks off Bermuda’s shores, the King George was purposefully sunk five miles from North Rock after serving the harbor as a dredger for nearly two decades. Located less than 60 feet below the water, the upright ship is a must for those seeking active adventures.


Don’t Miss The Cathedral

Not all of the best scuba diving sites in Bermuda focus on shipwrecks. The coral reefs are also worth planning an adventure trip to the island, particularly the Cathedral. This underwater dome located off the East End is an impressive site filled with tunnels, archways and holes that allow sunlight to filter through the water to create a dreamy underwater world. Keep
watch for schools of parrot fish  and snappers. You can also see the huge tarpons, a fish that grows to five feet.

Keep this list of best places to snorkel and scuba dive, along with these travel accessories, handy for the next time you’re planning Bermuda vacations.  Don’t forget to check out our travel videos here.

Scuba diving and shipwrecks in Bermuda

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